Disaster Relief Program

Almost 50% Of Businesses Affected By A Natural Disaster Close Temporarily, The Ones That Don’t Almost Always Have An Emergency Preparedness And Response Plan In Place.

According to insurance adjusters the greatest cause of damage after a disaster is the loss of the structural integrity of your roof. This is when you are completely exposed to the elements. You need to get your building water tight and functional as soon as possible. Plus your temporary roof system must be able to hold up for the entirety of the insurance claim process.

Rocky Mountain Roofing and Restoration has developed a Response Plan that eliminates the 3 main roofing problems people face when disaster strikes.

Here are the three major roofing problems companies and institutions run into after a disaster that need to be covered in their Emergency Preparedness and Response plan:

  1. Slow Response Time: Most companies have a local roofer that they work with, but in the event of a disaster they tend to be short on man power and equipment. They also tend to be overwhelmed by the amount of work. We have developed a program that solves this problem for you.
  2. Loss of Functionality: Two commons solutions following a disaster are to nail down a tarp, which is not water tight and will not protect your property. The other is to shrink wrap your building, although it is water tight it’s a poor solution, because it effectively stops all your roof top functions: Plumbing soil stacks, Rooftop HVAC units, and Heat Stacks. Our program has a water tight solution and your building keeps its functionality.
  3. Durability: Even though it’s a temporary roof system you need it to hold up for the entirety of the insurance claim process which can take up to a year. We provide a one year warranty on our temporary roof systems.

When disaster strikes and damages your roof, time is critical. Our program is designed to provide you Priority Response by having professionally trained crews, specialized equipment, and materials waiting outside the danger zone ready to act immediately. Our crews will inspect your current roof and assess any damages and perform an emergency “Dry-In. “ This is a water tight roof system that will allow your building to keep it functionality. Best of all there is no cost to become a member of our program. Please call 303-757-5555 for more details or you click here to download a PDF that explains the program in its entirety and how to enroll.

For more information on developing an Emergency Preparedness Plan for your business beyond your roofing, check out FEMA’s website for a ton of great information. http://www.ready.gov/business

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Rocky Mountain Roofing and Restoration

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